
  • Travelling: Turns You Into A Storyteller!

    Travelling: Turns You Into A Storyteller!

    Make an escapade once in a while and come back narrating stories. Well, that’s what travel does to you. The very core of human fabric is woven out of innumerable stories. Traveling is an influential part of our life that helps us get away from our monotonous and busy plans. You may have heard about the term ‘YOLO’ often these days. ‘YOLO’ expands to You Only Live Once, but the truth is we live every day in this enormous world. Yet we don’t have a guaranteed tomorrow so why not make the most of it when you can, Right?

    From what we have experienced, Travelling helps in developing confidence and in widening our minds so we can see the world as a beautiful land of creation. Traveling helps us discover ourselves and in disconnecting from the daily pressures. For so many people, Travelling stands as a chance of learning about new cultures and gaining insight into what is happening outside our walls.

    These are some significant reasons traveling is important in our lives:

    Discovering New Land and Cuisines.

    The best thing about traveling is that no matter how many times you travel to the same place or some unique places, it always helps us have a fresh feeling even if it’s the same place. And if it’s an unfamiliar area every time, it gives us a boost to explore as much as possible, so we get an overall idea of what the place is about.

    Every one of us wants to travel to some dreamland to explore the unique perspectives and food cuisines. No matter how comfortable we feel at our home, we would never get the joy of eating unknown food in an unknown place where we feel loved, even if we are alone.

    Keeping your inner mind at check.

    Us, as a typical human being never thinks about how much something is important until it is too late. We can say the same about our mental health or inner mind. We often just avoid the problems in our life by working too much or by directing all the stress to our minds. The beauty of travel is that it not only helps us feel loved but also brings peace because we are traveling to a whole fresh territory, all with a group of strangers if you’re traveling alone.

    Somewhere in our busy lives, we have lost our inner peace and traveling is the best therapy to get our mind healed, all with some splendid views of nature. Not only does traveling provide us peace, but it also helps us widen our minds to new possibilities and challenges that we may face when we return to our everyday life.

    Meeting unknown companions and building strong relationships.

    Traveling gives us a chance to find recent friends and build strong relationships with old ones. Whenever we travel with a friend he/she may enlighten us with novel ideas and perspectives and those ideas stay with us forever whenever we look at our memories.

    Traveling also helps us in connecting with like-minded people all over the world. Even if we travel for just a single day with them, we would look back someday and cherish the memories they have provided us with. Traveling is the best way to rekindle relationships and in gaining some new trusted bonds.

    It helps in real-life education.

    Traveling to new places is the best education anyone can ever get that can’t be achieved by watching YouTube videos and vlogs. No matter how Much the technologies can bring into our lives, Real life education can only be experienced and not taught inside the walls. We can learn about new cultures and styles around the world, but the full experience of seeing and hearing the histories of cities and their livelihood can only be achieved by traveling.

    Traveling helps us gain knowledge outside of our mental concepts and helps us to be more confident by going through various kinds of phases of the place.

    Self Development (both physically and mentally)

    By challenging ourselves to take upon the journey, we become more independent and responsible. Traveling gives us a sense of thrill and even helps us in the form of physical diseases like stroke because by traveling we are doing more physical work that we have ever done and this helps in improving our body physically.

    Traveling also tests our fears, weaknesses, strength, and values in life. By stepping out to a different zone, our mind becomes creative and therefore we feel more positive. Traveling is the way to bring out the best version of ourselves. With that, we can impress and improve further to explore ourselves.

    As Gustave Flaubert puts across rightly “TRAVEL MAKES ONE MODEST, YOU SEE WHAT A TINY PLACE YOU OCCUPY IN THE WORLD.” It keeps us grounded, it makes us humble, and yes more Human!

  • Travelling: The New Normal Way!

    Travelling: The New Normal Way!

    The Traveler’s soul, it’s not going to keep calm for long and can’t be locked up for long either. But that in no way means we act stupid and as the trending term denotes be a ‘Covidiot’. Taking care of the life we are blessed with is the penultimate gratitude!

    As the Lockdown restrictions started easing up all we want to do is get out there and travel. Though we do completely realize that it’s the lockdown which has relaxed not Covid19, it’s at its peak and we better be all careful and take all necessary precautions whatsoever. The Travelling addicts we are, we had to figure out ways for Travelling safely, so here are a few things you can consider for safe travel.

    Hit the roads:

    We have been obsessing over the foreign trips and foreign countries in the Pre corona times and it’s nothing bad, but what we often forget is that our own country would have much which is left unexplored and the busy bees we are, we take domestic flights rather than the road. One thing Covid has got us into is the private space is the safest. So yes get those long drives and road trips trending back again. Nothing safe like your own little vehicle and loved ones. If Travel is what your desires take them road trips.

    Carry your own Food & Water

    We love street food as much as dining or lunching at elite restaurants or grabbing a quick something from a food joint. Also all the Chai from tea stalls or all of that roadside juice stalls. But we have to try getting ourselves into this groove of new normal and the most important thing about this is safety. No matter how much your longing for all of this is the best way to stay safe is carrying your own food and water. Traveling calls for proper hydration. Make sure you carry extra water and are not in a situation where you have to procure food or water from outside. If you happen to eat anywhere outside, make sure enough safety measures are followed.

    Give the unexplored Destinations a try:

    As soon a travel plan hits us, We Google for most popular destinations. More popular the place, the more crowded it’s going to be. Trust us on this, the less popular ones are going to be unimaginably Beautiful and inexplicably adventurous. So make it a difference and have the safest trip by choosing a less popular one. The lesser the crowd, the safer you are.

    Familiarity indeed breeds contempt:

    Well in this case safety. Familiarity means more people and more the number of people more are the chances of risk. No matter where you choose to visit or what your choice of destination is the primary fact which you should be considering is SOCIAL DISTANCING!

    The farther you are from people the lesser are the chances of contracting any virus or infections let alone Covid.

    Untouchability works here

    Though the concept of  ‘Untouchables’ has been abolished. This one will work in present times. When outside and in alien locations be wary of the surfaces you touch. Keep a alcohol based hand sanitizer handy. Gloves won’t be available always and even if you wear them they aren’t totally safe. So more aware you are of your surroundings the safer you are. Try and avoid touching any surface as far as possible and if you do then make sure you sanitize your hands if washing your hands is not possible. Keep washing your hands intermittently as much as you can with a good hand wash.

    As Gustave Flaubert puts across rightly “TRAVEL MAKES ONE MODEST, YOU SEE WHAT A TINY PLACE YOU OCCUPY IN THE WORLD.” It keeps us grounded, it makes us humble, and yes more Human!

    Mask it up:

    Gone are the days when masks adorned faces of superheroes alone. Covid19 has given us a condition where each one of us has to be masked up even if we are stepping out for a walk. While Travelling make sure you have an adequate stock of masks. While on international travels make sure you’re carrying a face shield as well. Never be in a public place minus your masks. Well, your safety is more important in the current situation than your identity is. 

    If you have to take a Flight make sure you fly safe:

    There are times where taking a flight is the only option you are left with. Well, you do what you got to do and there is no stopping human race. But we need to act with our mind and take our heart along. The foremost thing we need to take into consideration is how to be safe while taking a flight which has other fellow Passengers and also is not an open-air condition. Situations that are not under your control or sensibilities better leave it on to experts who are working on it. Get the bookings done with a trusted travel agency who would make sure of all your safety measures and don’t forget to get your insurance done.

    The Traveler’s soul will continue it’s Travelling to stay alive to stay sane. Covid19 is also getting adamant by the day and has no plans of any subsiding. All we can do is choose the safest way and options of Travelling. When you find yourself confused, seek the help of experts. We have always prioritized your safety along with your travel plans. Do share with us your tips on safe traveling with us in comments and let’s figure out this new normal together!

  • World Tourism Day

    World Tourism Day

    ‘Stories’ the fabric which life comprises. Our lives are all about the stories lived, told, shared, and sometimes hidden. The most relevant one in this process of storytelling are Travelling. Easily Travelling takes us on trips and turns us into storytellers. Thus making it inevitable to celebrate these special criteria of life and we do with ‘World Travel & Tourism day.

    World Tourism Day is commemorated each year on 27 September. Its purpose is to foster awareness among the global community of tourism’s social, cultural, political, and economic value and the contribution the sector can make in reaching the Sustainable Development Goals.

    The aim of Tourism day is to raise awareness about the role of tourism and to focus on the fact that traveling has a major social, cultural, political, and economic effect on all of our lives.

    Travel- ‘It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller!’, On this World Tourism Day, we reflect upon what Travel means to us?!

    The calm at top Mountains, or conquering those unachievable heights:

    ‘Mountains calling’, a kind of calling or longing most of us experience time and again. The enchantment Mountain tops have got are pulled to calm and serenity they provide. They cover 22 percent of the planet’s land surface and provide habitat for plants, animals, and about 1 billion human beings. 

    Be it the Mighty Himalayas, Mont Blanc, or Victoria peak, they never fail to enchant us. The mountaineers have found immense pleasure and satisfaction in conquering heights and observing and studying the life atop these giant structures which are also considered as pegs keeping mother Earth stable. It’s nothing less than Paradise of green and white. The higher you get the more undiscovered Vistas they offer you but hey! You gotta make your own pizza, Domino’s doesn’t have delivery there.

    The shores, the waves, the breeze, what’s there not to love about beaches? Did we miss mentioning Sunsets?:

    ‘Beach lovers’ anyone? Or everyone? We love everything about beaches. Thailand, Miami, or our very own Goa. Beaches are celebrations. The waves, the shores. Be it a party, a get-together, or just a quiet me-time, beaches answer it all. Scientific studies have proved that spending time by the beaches are good for both physical & mental well being. The reason exactly why Hawaii is the happiest state in the US. 

    The color blue has a direct impact on your mind and is associated with calm and serenity. The smell of the ocean breeze has the power to calm the negative vibes in your system and turn them positive. The perpetual ebbing and flowing of the waves and the sound of it have a positive effect on your brain so much so that you are a totally rejuvenated person after all the deep reflection you go through at a beachside. We can go on about beaches but hey a Traveller doesn’t stop at that!

    The wanderlust we are, we seek Paradise on Earth!

    ‘Jannat’ the breathtakingly beautiful Kashmir is fondly known as ‘heaven on Earth’ we won’t deny that one bit. Kashmir region is predominantly mountainous, with deep, narrow valleys and high, barren plateaus. 

    The stunning valleys and the enchanting Mountains and breathtaking scenery have earned Kashmir the title of ‘Paradise on Earth’. The long ongoing debates, wars, conflicts to make this heaven their own had been continuing since forever. But even the terrorists and bombs haven’t been able to stop Tourists and Travellers from flocking into this heaven.

    Haven’t the wonders made you wonder always?

    The Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Giza, The Colosseum, Taj Mahal. The wonders of the world. Rightly so because they have made us wonder and have had us awestruck to say the least. 

    These structures have withstood the test of time and they continue to leave many awestruck with their brilliance. There are many in the world, but only seven are selected, which are deemed to be the best. Who wouldn’t travel all the miles to take a glimpse of them and marvel at their magnanimity? We sure would. The Seven Wonders of the World are the Taj Mahal, the Colosseum, the Chichen Itza, Machu Picchu, Christ the Redeemer, Petra, and the Great Wall of China. Added to the list is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

    Known for its architectural brilliance Taj Mahal has been very close to us. The Colosseum Is known as the Flavian Amphitheatre. Much famed artwork of Brazil is Christ the Redeemer. Petra is often referred to as ‘Rose city’ owing to the color of the stone it is carved out of. The wonders will have us wonderstruck for life but the journey doesn’t end there it’s just the beginning!

    Cuisines, where do we start? Is there an end? To love food?!

    Would it be wrong if we quote ‘Food is an emotion?’ well it won’t be. Travelling and Travellers are incomplete without a fervent love for cuisines. The regional, The global, The historical, The religious & ethnic cuisines. 

    The reasons are many, the cause one, ‘love!’

    Love for food and this emotion has bonded humans through years now. Even if not on anything we meet, agree, and relish the food.

    tacos, tamales, tortillas, and various salsas of Latin America. The Pizzas & Pastas of Italy. The Shawarma, the quboos, tandoor, and Baklava of Arabia. The Samosas, the jalebi, the pani puris, the Biryani of India. Where do we start and where do we end?

    Well, this is an indefinite search and path. But travelers can travel in search of this gastronomic treasure world wide.

    Myriad, mystical Travel has always been profound tracing us back to the roots! :

    ‘Pyramids’ what occurs to your mind when you hear or imagine about these mystical, historical structures?!

    Intriguing, mystical, mysterious, well isn’t traveling all that combined together? 

    The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt.  Most were built as tombs for the country’s pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods. Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure built their massive tombs to last. For more than 4,000 years, the Pyramids of Giza continue to amaze while holding on to their many secrets. The mystical and the intriguing quality of the Pyramids is best described in the book ‘A Thousand Miles Up the Nile’ by  Amelia Blanford Edwards, she writes of the hot drive to the edge of the desert, until “the Great Pyramid, in all its unexpected bulk and majesty, towers close above one’s head … The effect is as sudden as it is overwhelming. It shuts out the sky and the horizon. It shuts out all the other Pyramids. It shuts out everything but the sense of awe and wonder.”

    Pyramids have the capacity to intrigue you for life but Travellers can’t afford to do that.

    Man made colossal structures:

    Man-made colossal had also been a source of wonderment, futuristic, Travel has also been looking towards the future perpetually!

    ‘The Burj khalifa’ brings the tallest, The Empire state building of New York deriving its name from “Empire State”, the nickname of the state of New York. The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts center at Sydney Harbour in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Which easily is one of the 20th century’s most famous and distinctive buildings. The leaning tower of Pisa or simply the Tower of Pisa is the campanile, or freestanding bell tower, of the cathedral of the Italian city of Pisa, known worldwide for its nearly four-degree lean, the result of an unstable foundation. 

    This colossal man-made structure is a promise towards the future. A promise of better, brighter, developing things to come and a Traveller has enough reasons to travel, discover and marvel at these man-made wonders.

    Listing the reasons for Travelling is never-ending as the roads, the valleys, the treks, the shores, the waves. There is never an end to the joy, to the stories, to the memories. There is never an end to the pursuit of happiness & life. And traveling should go on as well!

    Check our Blog on top Romantic Places to visit